what we believe

The United Methodist Church welcomes people from every walk of life. Even though we all come from many different backgrounds and have different life experiences we know that there are few things that we all have in common. Some of these are listed here.

Jesus - Jesus is the Son of God, the child of the virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit, truly God and truly Man, who for us and for our salvation came down from heaven. He is eternal Savior and Mediator, who intercedes for us and by him all persons will be judged.

The Cross - The official United Methodist doctrine is that sin separated all persons from God. Jesus' death on the cross was an atoning sacrifice, making possible our forgiveness and reconciliation with God. To repent of sin and trust in Jesus Christ are the only requirements for one to receive that forgiveness and reconciliation made possible by Jesus' death.

The Bible - the Bible was inspired by God and contains all things necessary for salvation. When read under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Bible is our true rule and guide for faith and practice.

The Holy Spirit - The official United Methodist doctrine is that the Holy Spirit is of one substance with the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit convinces the world of sin, and leads persons to a response in faith to the gospel. The Holy Spirit is the Christian's primary teacher, comforter, and source of power.

Holy Communion - Holy Communion (or the Lord' s Supper) is a faithful remembrance of the suffering and death of Christ and a celebration of love within the Church. Those who in faith eat the broken bread and drink the blessed cup partake of the body and blood of Christ in a spiritual manner until He comes in glory. 

our mission

"To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world."